GEE2- Philippine Indigenous Communities

2 min readDec 21, 2020


After discovering the subjects that I’m going to take this semester, I was really excited to see the GEE2-Philippine Indigenous Communities because I’m really into IP, besides having my own experience of being able to meet some of them personally, Agtang Tabangnon specifically. Being able to get my own experience of meeting them makes me more curious to hear more about them, I felt so sorry about what they were feeling, well, actually, at that time, we were on a mission together with my Parish Youth Ministry family. We are tasked of going to their community and conduct a survey of them and their religious affiliations, and I had this chance to speak to some of them. Knowing how challenging their situation is because of racial inequality makes me so sad. That’s why learning IP has helped me understand more about their existence. I am really intrigued by the things I have learnt about this subject about their diverse cultures, their beliefs and customs, the manner in which various IPs are dressed, their tools and weapons, and the mythologies around them. It made me understand how wonderful their culture and traditions are.

Studying Indigenous People’s in our country is very significant because IP’s are part of our community. They are the root of our mere existence as a Filipino. Learning about IP’s help us to acquire information about them, also it gives us awareness that they exist and they need our help. It’s important because indigenous community is rich of our culture and without them our distinction from other countries would be lessen. It is essential to study IPs because their culture is threatened by industrialization today; their home is threatened, their mere existence is threatened that is why we must learn to give them importance because they belong to the minority, where voices are unheard. We should have pride to IP’s because they are our considered as our ninuno’s.

In the future, I would like to use the knowledge that I have gained from this subject as a guide to my advocacy on Embracing Biodiversity to End Racism. I would use my platform as a youth to express my support through the organizations in which I am associated. I will also ask for their help in supporting, caring and respecting for the Indigenous People’s. Since there are IPs near to our area, they will be our top priority for our events and outreach initiatives. From that simple thing, I will tremendously help to at least elevate our Indigenous Peoples.

